Pre Need Ceremony Creation

There is a growing trend for people to take a far more active part in their own funeral.  For some this is purely about planning, and paying for, the elements organised by the Funeral Director.  But for others it includes writing their own ceremony or tribute to make sure it includes everything they want to be said.

Regardless of the reason, I will meet with you and listen to all you have to say about your life, loves,  hobbies and anything else you wish to include.  We can talk about your favourite music and readings.  And discuss whether you like any religious content to be included. If you would like anyone else to be included I will happily meet or communicate with them too.

Once I have all the details I will draft a full ceremony, or just the story of your life if you wish.  This can include notes on specific details such as lighting of candles or other symbolic gestures if appropriate to you.  I will send this to you for checking and we can review as often as you like until you are entirely happy.

I will then send you a final version, by email and hard copy, which I strongly recommend you lodge with your will and/or close family or friends.  I would also advise that you let anyone who is likely to have to eventually arrange your funeral know that you have already created a ceremony or tribute.

I will also keep a copy should you ever need it.  When the time comes, your family and/or executor is very welcome to contact me to deliver the ceremony if that is your wish. I will do what I can to be available if at all possible.  Or I will provide guidance to anyone else that is going to deliver it so that it is done just as you wished it to be.

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Wherever a beautiful soul has been, there is a trail of beautiful memories